Wednesday, February 21, 2007

6 weird facts....

tagged by alice...
this looks fun and seems like i must work my brain a bit for this....
hm...okay lemme start...
1. i hated vegetables but i started eating only after i came singapore...reason...? malu sama temen2....

2. i like to mix n match my own clothes, including the accessories... (yes, ini my sign of bimboticity...erh, is there such word??) but only when i'm alone in my room.... and i get excited if i manage to pull together a great look (though sometimes i may not dare to show what i've put together when i walked out of the room)

3. my palm n feet are constantly sweating excessively which makes me quite uncomfortable when i have to shake ppl's hands or when i have to dance.... anybody got any idea how to cure this??

4. i have too fast reaction that when i saw lightning striking, i can't stop myself from covering my ears (actually it's more like i'm scared lah...).

5. i hate talking on the phone coz i i cant hear the person on the other side i get nervous n dunno how to reply....especially if the person talks in hokkien (such as my parents' frenz who called). i prefer talking face to face or chat online...
another thing is...most of the time i think through wad i wanna say before i actually says it... especially if i have to speak english...

6. my face is assymetrical... thanks to my mom who observed me so much.... (actually i didnt notice it until my mom told me so)

can i add one more?haiya, can lah!
7. if i listen to music, most of the time i will listen up for the interesting sound effects or accompaniments or the harmonisation when most ppl will just listen to the lyrics... (i dunno whether this is weird or not)

(it's indeed hard to come out with weird stuff abt try it!!)

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