Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy tree Friends

hey hey...
Today is the first day of sch and i'm quite excited to come back (surprisingly)... dunno why, maybe holiday was too meaningless.
And guess wad... the famous arts canteen "the deck" is now open again...yeah!! which means gud food... hahah not that engin food is sucky but defenitely the deck gives us more choices.

I had 2 lectures today and after engin o week i feel that i get to know more ppl (which is a gud thing). Okay lah, must admit that i'm not that outgoing but at least i saw a lot of familiar faces roaming around engin...hahaha... some of them i dunno their names. but not bad lah, at least i gain something from the camp

okie, as i promised in my previous post, i will blog abt this year o' week. It has been a very enriching experience and i defenitely never regret joining. Somehow it makes me think back to last year when i was a freshman and joined engin o week oso... miss those time so much!
My grp this year is called Happy Tree, u know "Happy Tree Friends", the cute but sadistic creatures...hahha.. and that was indeed an "appropriate" name for our grp...haha... (Our maskot was half, if not 3/4, destroyed by the end of o'week --> on purpose lah)

One thing is so special abt this grp is that the ratio of guys and girls is around 9:11, if not quite balance for some days. If u think that is normal, think again!!! this is engin u noe. how can u have a grp with more girls than guys...haha...

quite sad that we have to end the orientation and start school come to think of it, after all the sleepless nite (playing all sorts of stupid games)... and many many more...

too bad i dun have the photos rite now. hope to get it soon so that i can post it here...

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