Thursday, August 02, 2007

peeping out again..

After so much pestering from some ppl, in the end i decide to update this abandoned blog again...

Holiday is almost over... not very meaningful since most of the time i just rot at home. But of course there are some highlights like Bandung trip with my family, ocassional shopping with dwee and my photoshop course.... Actually my 21st birthday also fell in between the holiday..hahha legally adult, just like wad alice wrote in her card.

I'm too lazy to elaborate coz really the rest of the holiday is so unmeaningful that i cant really remember.

The past 2 weeks was filled with a lot of shopping trips to Orchard and the like since my mom came to s'pore for 1 week and dwee came for 2 weeks and she's still here....hahah

2 nites ago...we played monopoly in yeanching's room and she managed to beat the rest although all of us team up alrd to help each other survive... but she poved herself worthy of the free monopoly set...hahha

then after that we helped wenny to do her SP stuff to buaya a senior guy in KR... it was fun doing all those stuff but the guy better accept her because we alrd put so much effort... until 4 am u noe...hahhaha....
The "backstage crew"

Holding our work of art. Note the name below

Holiday is official ending very very soon with o'week starting this afternoon. Today is 1st day and we have to sleep over alrd coz there'll be a fright nite tonite... I hate fright nite...i dun wanna go fright nite.. watch horror movies also dun dare, how do u expect me to survive a fright nite... Oh well, but that's just part of the things that i have to go thru' during this 1 week or so.

Actually i got nothing much to write now... maybe later after o'week i have more exciting experience to share. cya!!

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