Friday, November 09, 2007

impulse impulse...

6 pm plus, me n yc sitting at biz cateen "enjoying" our dinner before planning to go back to biz lib to mug...
then we were talking and complaining how our life sucks with all this sucky mugging schedule....
then suddenly yc said,
"I want something that makes me happy!"
then out of nowhere...i just blurted out
"i noe wad can make u happy,!!!"

then there we go...instead of spending our nite in the library, we decided to go vivo..the closest hang out place to NUS....
we spent so long browsing and trying clothes at the stretch of shop, from zara, pull and bear, esprit, forever 21 and dozens more...hahha
end up, yc got something that she's been looking for....a black cardigans...from pull and bear...
so sad i cant get anything that i want...
actually i did see something that i really really like.... a half jacket (is that wad u call it? the short version of jacket...) green colour...the army kinda green. I think it's very stylo... it;s the kind that i've been looking for for so long... but as a matter of fact i dun really need it lah...
and summore it's 50 bucks... slightly over my budget today though i think it's very worth it for such a nice jacket...
feels really tempted to just buy it on the spot.... but luckily yc still brought me to my senses, not to splurge on something that is not so urgent...hahha
but i still made a vow to come back to the shop (samuel n kelvin) after my exam ends....if the jacket is still there (and may be there will be discounts...hahah...*hopeful hopeful)... then i will just splurge my money on that jacket.... haha...more motivation to get all these exams over soon...

then a few moment later, as we were walking through the shops, we bumped into tiang lim there...he was meeting eddy for movies... but too bad for them the movie tix just sold out....
then we ended up going to marche to hang out and eat... talking crap....

yup, overall today went quite well, kinda relax a bit but there's this slight guilt of not studying... but oh well, i cant keep studying non stop like dogs... i need a break as well. I promise tmrw will be a much more promising day...hopefully so....

yay!!! all the best for exams's just short term!

1 comment:

YuVeN said...

yea, shopping is always the best thing to do for distressing ourselves!! ;D

~~All the best for the exams! As u said.. it's just a short term. haha (although no matter hw short it is (especially for u *ngiri mode on =P*) it's still superrr superrr stressful!!!) haha

ganbatte yo!