Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Uban uban...

Panic mode:

I just spotted one strand of grey hair on my head...
have i been studying too much?? actually not really leh....

i've just been sitting in library and study room more often. But if you really follow wad i'm doing from the beginning of the day to late at nite, u can't agree more that i'm really not that hardworking. i usually just make myself feels good and not so guilty by sitting down in front of my notes and textbook. In actual fact, i can't move on from those few pages (which means that my progress is super duper slow.... not good since exam is coming really really soon...)

As i'm writing this blog now, i'm in fact guilty of this "crime". i'm supposed to be reading through my organic chem notes while waiting for my laundry in the dryer. But wad can i do...the temptation of facebook, youtube, blogspot and many many more is too strong to resist.

but those things aside, and coming back to the issue of grey hair....
How?? i don't wanna be like this in the future

Haha... just kidding, release a bit more stress now that exam is coming!! Jiayou everyone who has exam as well....

ps: organic chem reactions make me go crazy....arghhh

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