Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kettle Chips taste so good!!

haha yeah, the title of this post may sounds so shallow and random...
and yes, it is random indeed... haha and this post is dedicated to the packet of Kettle Brand Chips that I just finished.
(disclaimer: dont read if you think that you have no time... --> but the fact that you are reading my blog is actually a sign that you have too much time... so just read on then...)

Last week, I went to the Nanyang mart and I saw the racks filled with Kettle chips...I was so tempted to try coz i know it is supposed to be expensive and expensive stuff is supposed to be nicer (a bit of generalization here...)
I was so delighted when i thought that the price is only $2.00...yay!
so, i just grabbed a packet of Honey Dijon "tangy mustard seeks love at first bite"... that's what it says at the package.... just curious how is a Kettle different from a Lays or even a Pringles...

So, after grabbing some other stuff that I need from the mart, i went straight to the cashier and paid without even knowing how much i was paying for...
when i went to the canteen carrying the plastic bag full of my groceries, my friend commented..."Wah! buying Kettle chips arh..."
I hurriedly explained to him that I bought it because it was $2.00...
then he was like " ha? $2.00? so cheap!"
That was the time when i actually checked the packet of Kettle that I bought and I saw a $4.50 price sticker on it.....oh well...

hm... ya... how can I be so stupid to think that Kettle chips can be so cheap...

I has been bought anyway, so I might as well enjoy it to the fullest...
and indeed, I really enjoyed it. In my opinion, they should adopt KFC's finger-licking-good slogan.
It was so good that I even ripped the packet open and allowed my clean hands to get greasy just to reach the last few pieces of Kettle chips inside there... crunch!nyum! (*you should be salivating by now and maybe have a sudden rush of impulse to get a packet of Kettle chips from your nearby grocery store!)

So, how is Kettle chip different from Lays and Pringles you may asked...
To me, who is a potato lover... Pringles is the least of my favourite... simply because it is made from potato powder and not sliced potato itself (*but that doesnt mean that I will reject a Pringles if you offer me one)

That leaves me with Lays and Kettle... okay, at this point, flavour comes to play...
i have never tasted Honey Dijon before... so i think the unique flavour of Kettle gives it a slight advantage here...

So, here i present you the flattened-and-ripped open packet of Kettle chips that i have just finished...

and you have just wasted your precious time reading this post... i told you already... it is just a random post that i wanted to write.... and i was never paid by Kettle to do this hor....just for fun lah... and actually before this, i have been absent from potato chips for quite sometime due to my cough during the beginning of the semester.

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