Wednesday, October 29, 2008

precious weekend!

have not been updating my blog regularly...
have been very tired of wad is happening around... i shall not mention here..

just wanna reflect about happy stuff that has been happening during the weekend that has just past..
my mom was in singapore for the whole week last week...which was just wad i needed at this point of time....
out of the 7 days, i only got to meet her for 3 days..
sad sad me... cruel cruel life...
but it was a fun 3 days...

cut my hair at shuji matsuo again... fresh look is wad i need now... (but i think i still have that "i-am-doomed" face... you shld noe why.... it's that time of the semester again! haiz)
shopped for dresses for dec wedding... yippiieee
didnt manage to find any sandals to match tho... either the price is too ex or the designs that i want dont have my size... sobz...

luckily monday is deepavali holiday, so i can send my mom to the airport....
but when i came back from airport... all the schwork, projects and dunno wad else are already haunting me... i was really quite stressed out for spending my weekend just like that...

had yoga that evening... feel quite refreshed at first, but gets so so so tired that i slept at 9 plus, almost 10... woke up the next day at 5... hahah... the first time ever in my NUS life that i woke up so early to do my work...

for now... i just need to get this negative thoughts from my mind and do my best...
i'm at this point where there is no turning back... so just do wadever i can...

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