Sunday, March 18, 2007

another NUS arts fest event

One of the thing that i come to learn since i come to s'pore is that i love watching arts and performances. Actually not just watching but also performing. (Budden since i came to NUS i have less chance of performance unlike when i was in Sec and JC). Of course, compared to when i was in indo, I have more chances of watching concerts and shows for a lot of reasons. (though sometimes i think that indo ppl have a lot more talents that can be showcased)

And of course, NUS, one of the "factories" that "produces" singaporeans, has a whole host of shows for us to watch. some free n some not free. It's called NUS arts festival.

As i've penned down in my blog, 2 weeks ago there was NUS choir performance (see how time flies...) and now it's the time for the acapella and choir groups from various hall to showcase their talents. The former being the "not-free" example and the latter being the "free" one as mentioned above.

I must be frank and say that the overall performance was not fantastic. The few performances that i liked were Sheares n KR choirs n acapellas. The rest were just so-so.... but of course the guest performers were also included in the "fantastic" list...

One of the guest performers were Regu A (the Indo band). I think we all (the indonesians who went were really proud of that group). I must complement them because i think for a grp to spring out not because of any cca reason, not because of hall obligation, is a rare thing. Summore, i dare to say that their standard are better than a lot of other performances tonite... haha from wad i observedjust now, got more ppl who became the fans of Adi and Andrew.. coz just now i overheard ppl's conversation saying that they want to get to know Adi n Andrew...haha quite funny!

enuf for the compliment...haha

took quite a lot of pics tonite...i think i'll just show some of my fave pics....(time to make use of my bulky camera...yet still takes nicer photographs =))... mostly, the ppl in the pics are about the same as the people who were in the choir pics 2 weeks ago (wad a music enthusiast!...haha)

Me n yc: wish i have taken the pic of her in the apron haha ice kachang was cute.... Btw, thx for taking the pics!!

The indo gals: just realised that all of us are in black n white...nice color combi!!

I really love this pic!!...everybody looks good there
One person to comment: Adela, who is actually an NTU student has faithfully come to some of NUS concerts...something to worth mentioning since she bothers to take time down from the "ulu" NTU to NUS...haha... (sorry NTU offence, it's just that NTU is really
Oh ya, something that irritates me a bit tonite is the ppl who are in charge at the performance theatre... I think i get too strict that they become quite irritating (okay, u may say that i shld put myself in their shoes, "they are just doing their duties...")
First was when anggi was helping me n yc to take pics in the theatre itself during the interval....then the person say "pls keep ur camera away"....but i thought it was an interval, wont affect any of the shows wad?? okay, fine, i kept my camera n follow wad she said.
Then i think this "usher" has super sharp eyes that keeps scanning around the room for the "unlawful" practices... then again, she managed to find 2 packets of drinks under our seats...and ask us to remove it...okay, fair enuf...we are not supposed to consume anything inside i noe...
Then wad irritates me the most was after the interval was over n when the performance was going on....this "usher" keeps reminding ppl around not to use their cameras even though they are not even using any disturbance to the performers i supposed.... and yet, this "usher" became the one who was the main disturbance to us since we were sitting at the side...urghhhhh.... pls lah, lemme enjoy the show!.
I just feel that when ppl get too strict n follow the rule excessively, it defeats the purpose of having a rule....rule is supposed to serve ppl well.... haiz.... but i guess i was once a person like that....just follow rule...(haha sounds like a recent fann wong n gourmit singh movie)
okie, lets not spoil my mood by pondering over unneccessary stuff like that....
Looking forward for more concerts to come...
But i seriously think that i wont have much time for that anymore...
But i see no point prisoning myself n studying (which i can't actualise anyway...).
Okay, maybe i shld point hiding under ur books all the time...I need a break too sometime.

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