Friday, March 23, 2007

Weekend post!

Nowadays, I only have time to update my post during weekends coz i'm superduper busy during weekdays.... especially this week when everything is going to be due soon....
Even tonite, I'm trying to steal a bit of time from my supposedly lab report time.
yes, weekend is kinda sucky nowadays with all the report coming....(as u can see from my previous posts as well)....butttttt.... good news is: this is going to be my last chem lab report for this semester.... fiuhhhh.....

4 labs a semester is bad enough. can't imagine the next next semesters when i have more than one labs and of course more lab reports to do.... I heard from the others, who heard it from seniors, the upcoming lab reports are going to be 80 pages long!! wad deeee..... hahaha (*sad laughter).... poor my printer ink, and poor ME!!... seriously, how r we supposed to write 80 pages long?.... isn't this somewhat similar to writing a textbook aledy...? wow! maybe that's life for a chem engin to be... not very promising...hehe

Apart from my "mundane" lab reports, this coming tuesday I'm going to have a presentation of my marketing project on iPod... I must say that Marketing is one of the modules that i really enjoy now....(partly because i begin to feel sick of Engin modules... haiz, no good). Marketing feels kind of refreshing to me... no need to memorise formulas, just need to use common sense and think critically...

My project on iPod is kind of cool i must say... Previously, i was not really attracted to iPod. Doesnt mean that I dun wanna have one, it's just that i feel that for me it's not a necessary thing. (although some of my friends have one) --> maybe it's called "resistant" to iPod's campaign...haha

but after i've done so much research on this topic and gone to it's website "thousands" of times this months.... i begin to show some interest in the product... even after analysing their advertisement campaigns and all that, and realise that they have quite a few weaknesses, i still think that iPod carries a certain "prestige"... compared to other brands of course. Maybe it's partly because i never really do any research on any other brands.

However, from wadever net-surfing that i've done, I realise that all other brands improve on their products just for the sake of winning the race against iPod, not really because they really wanna serve the consumers better.

Apart from that, it also helps that my project group mates are quite fun! maybe not all lah, but at least i can mix well with most of them. widen my social circle outside the world of engin....

Haha wish me luck for the presentation on Tuesday....hope it will go well....yay! iPod, i want one!!*hint*hint*.. ;p

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