Monday, March 26, 2007

super sianz...

hm.... not much to blog abt today...
somehow i felt super tired for the whole day.... i thought i got enuf sleep...
maybe it's just this time of the year where everything starts to pile up n exams are coming man!!! how??
one good thing: maths lecture has ended....though it's kinda entertaining to go for maths lect everytime (the lecturer is a real joker...hahaz, where can u find maths lecture abt romeo and juliet and 300?...hmmm)
but one less day to wake up early to go for morning lect...yay!!! my beauty sleep...heeeee

ooo... tmrw's my mkt presentation!! wish me luck with iPod....haha...
hope i wont forget my script halfway n stun there...

mugging season is coming and it reminds me of this "mugging anthem" founded by alice n dwee (if i'm not wrong) when we were still in Vhall...

"as we mug to the right, as we mug to the left,
as we mug as we mug as we mug all nite,
with the notes and the textbook,
and the round panda eyes,
with the notes and the textbook,
and a new friend found"

haha...actually cant remember exactly the lyrics that they made i made them up myself...(the part abt notes, textbook n pada eyes...haha)

okie... that's all folks....

*just got the correction for the lyrics of mugging anthem from the original founder...hehe
"as we mug to the right,
as we mug to the left,
as we mug as we mug as we mug all nite,
with the books and the notes,
and a half turn around,
with the books and the notes,
and a new mugger found"

1 comment:

Herry -- HgS said...

Salam kenal... kebetulan mampir di blog ini... :-)