Sunday, April 29, 2007

America's next top model

today i watched my first "America's next top model" show for the first time in this sem....
just realised how much i miss the show....
in today's episode, the challenge for the girls was to be an interviewer.... how to carry yourself confidently in front of other ppl that might be intimidating...That's really skill man!!!
who would really thought of such a challenge in a modelling competition... This is wad makes me think that being a model is more than just looks.... it's also about confidence and wad is inside u...
(haha...does this sound so cliche.... ya, wadever... but i really think so after i watch this show...)

Then the second challenge was for the girls to take two roles in one photograph... yeah, u didnt read wrongly. they were supposed to be 2 persons in one picture, of course with the help of photoshop or maybe other more sophisticated software that i may not even hear abt before...haha... and it's not any two roles... they were supposed to pose as "celebrity couples"...think Brad and Angie...haha

The most interesting ones are: Donald Trump and Melanie, and Britney and K-Fed...haha...
Donald trump one was ultimately funny (cant remember the name of the model)....but the make up was really crazy... turn a model into a millionaire..hahaz
okay, enuf of ANTM...gotta catch it again next week! must!!

btw, i cant wait for spidey anymore..haha

omg! so cool!!! watch out spidey....dun fall off the roof...

here's another one...haha

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