Friday, May 04, 2007

H for hectic and H for happy....=)

It feels so long ago since the last time i touched my books..haha
that's the feeling after exam... all u noe is play and have fun...
it's not really as easy as it sounds, nevertheless it's still fun!

2 days ago... my day was packed with "action"... In the afternoon I went to Aviva Singapore open with the guys from NUS... free tix..wah so shiok..!
Then went to vivo for dinner with the rest before we proceed to the long awaited spidey3....As always, I like the movie and it was a good way to end the day!!haha

Yep, that was still the happy n relaxing part...coz the next day we had PINUS bbq...
since I' m in the exco, i have to prepare for the food and everything.., helping laura coz she was the "boss"... honestly, there were a lot of things to prepare... from the food to all other miscellaneous stuff including my field, the money...haha
one more problem is that it was raining before that. so we were very worried that ppl wont turn up after so much preparation being done....i dunno how many times the fried the bee hoon in that small pan to feed 40 ppl... i think the became a pro in "bee hoon goreng" aledy...hahaz

luckily, it all went quite well..maybe not that wonderful. at least it's a place where ppl can just relax n have fun, and play games like "big fish small fish", "polar bear" (again!) and some other stupid games...haha... i myself kena forfeit embarrasing! but it was fun lah...

It was tiring at the end of the day but it was satisfying! erhm...maybe not after you realise that we are running at a loss..haha okay nvm, let's think abt that next time....

and another bbq...but this time we dun need to prepare or anything...just come free n easy and all the food are prepared! we went to the ambassador's house.... they treated the excos of the Indonesian sub-comms from NUS, NTU, SMU and SIM....
the food was sting ray, sotong, sate....nyum.... but i still prefer NUS bbq coz everybody noes everybody else (maybe not exactly everybody)...haha.... yar, but u noe it lah...
the atmosphere at the embassy was like "pretend to be friendly and make more connection"... which i didnt coz i'm just not that kind of person...haha

okie lah...enuf of the rambling... i think i shld go and pack my stuff....or shld i just watch youtube? hm...hard to resist!

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