Saturday, May 05, 2007

I have to blog about this...

muahahaha...jealous arent u??
Lindan was shopping for badminton clothes outside the badminton hall. I think i was among the first few ppl who realised that he was there
yep...that's wad we (me n lita) got after discussing for so long whether to take pic with him or not!!! (though he can't even make it to the semifinal...)
oh ya, he really bought lotsa free lidat!
But honestly, i think we was quite poor thing. he cant even shop peaceful. Almost every minute got ppl approach him to take pic with him....who ask him to be so famous...

yay! i love aviva...can see a lot of hot athletes...heheheh...
bonsak oso not bad....
Am i desparate or wad?

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