Friday, September 19, 2008


Ppl say, separate business from personal life...
now i think it's true....
it's happening rite now i'm supossed to put myself in 3 perspectives...

on one side, i have to be professional and dun side anyone...
but on the other side... haiz... how can i not care abt my friends' feelings...
somemore i'm not the kind of person who will just say things blatantly...

seriously, i think that being an anti-social is not so bad after all at this point of time... or can i just vanish tmrw...

sick of life.. sick of organizational politics... sick of having to think so much...
why cant everybody just think more other than for themselves...
(sometimes what ppl believes n wad they practice is just totally no-link n rubbish!)

*moody mood*


Vidia Paramita said...

cindy!!! kangen ama elu.. hehe lagi moody yah... udah pengen desember dan balik ke indo nih......... ketemuan lagi yuk...

jelewe said...

napa cin?? kok moody banget... u can talk to me... since i m quite an anti-social nowadays too... :)

alice said...

hi cin... no don't be antisocial.. :p hope u feel better now.

Unknown said...

wah... i thot nobody's reading my blog nowadays...
got some inside problems that better not to be discussed... see how it goes...