Sunday, September 07, 2008

need a change of lifestyle

hoah... it's been really long since the last time i updated my blog...
It's alrd the end of week 4 and beginning of week 5 of sch... time flies... and it flies in a jet speed.
It's kinda scary....

human is never satisfied... when i was working during holiday, i was really hoping to start school soon coz i just missed my friends and the happenings in school... but not when i'm actually going thru my semester... i kinda regret saying that.

school get so busy that u don't even have time to ponder or even get stressed over what your have in hand. or maybe i already learn to put the stress aside... just move on forward... that may be a good and bad thing... no stress means i just abandon some of my works without feeling any guilt... ckckck.... but it also means that i'm doing my own work at my own pace.....which is a good thing =P

after 4 weeks of business and chaos, at last this week i have a more exciting weekend.... out of NUS!!
hahah that sounds really crazy but it's true. i've rarely been out of NUS... even during weekends coz by weekend you just feel so lethargic and dont feel like travelling...
and i really love my room!! hahaha

okay, back about this weekend which is yesterday...
i practically just forget about wadever that i needed to and have a whole day out...
in the morning, i had a sumptuous breakfast at Holland v Swensens with Yuven, David, Angita, Dipta, Jessica, Cassie and Yovita... thanks Yuven for your birthday treat... haha...
actually must thank her organising this gathering... it's been such a long time since the last time i actually sit down slowly to enjoy my breakfast with the company of friends...

wad followed was a great shopping trip to Orchard... yes! shopping, something that i have been deprived of since the start of school.. I bought myself a box of snowskin mooncake, ipod cover and ... Samsung Omnia... haha though the Samsung Omnia is not for myself, i'm still feeeling very excited to get it... yoohoo!!! then we also had Ayam Penyet for "tea time" haha odd hour meal...

that's not all, at nite, we went to watch Citra's dance concert "Passage" with a whole lot of ppl (IsmyPatickYuvenEvaHaryantoJessicaSumitroErickWinstonMichaelGaby... fiuh, wad a long list) and showered her with love, flower and gifts.. haha. This is the first time i watch a contemporary dance concert in NUS... I must honestly complement that it was really impressive. Some ppl may find it boring, but i can appreciate this kind of dance... hip hop can get boring at times...
The lighting and costumes in the whole show was magnificent... the audience were in for a treat of visual impact... cool!

And of course, after concert will not be complete without supper... had to resort to Fong Seng coz that's like the only place open nearby NUS at that hour....

It was a long and tiring day, but it surely seems to be like the fun that i should had have during the 4 weeks of school compacted into just one day... okay... I should say, I am satisfied and revitalised for more things to come... =)

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