Friday, September 26, 2008

hard to find

in a few post ago...i have posted 2 youtube videos. if i'm not wrong the title of the post was "ear candies". in those 2 youtube videos are the songs that i like from this particular taiwanese singer.... too bad for you guys who don't listen to chinese songs... but these are really good!

ok, back on track...
basically the original singer of those two songs is this quirky looking guy from Taiwan..."Lu Guang Zhong or 盧廣仲 "
i think you will laugh by just looking at his appearance...
the big horn-rimmed glasses, the plain Tee (of various colurs), the shorts, the long socks and the sneakers... oh ya, not forgetting the bowl-like haircut... hahaz

Yup, just something like this... haha...
weird, nerdy looking. This is the picture in his album cover.

but surprisingly, behind this look, you find a very unique and soothing voice...
and what i like the most from him is that he wrote his own songs... and his lyrics are just very funny sometimes...
and he plays his own guitar... weee

the two youtube videos that i uploaded previously are the two songs that i love the most from his new album... but i think i'm gonna grow liking his music more n more... 'that's how i am with music... the more i listen, the more i love'

Other than the two songs from the youtube videos, there is one more very interesting video of him that you guys shld see... prepare yourself.. haha

(nevermind about the lyrics... i oso dun understand... it's supposed to be something funny...but nvm)

super high pitch isnt it? haha.... if you are interested enough to find out... the original song that he just sang is something like this

*that's how he got his name "Vitas" i guess

okay... enough of the entertainment...
but wait...... there is one more thing...

i just found out something about this quirky guy....
he is born on the exact same day as meeee... 15 July 1986....
I was damn shocked to see it in one of the websites... haha...
it's really hard to find a person with the same birthday as me... amazingly, he was also born the same year... !! woohoo, how rare is that...

usually i wont be too proud if i have the things in common with some quirky, weird looking guy...
but this is different... he really writes good music... something really refreshing...

100种生活 Zhong Shen Huo

*it means 100 ways of living...
enjoy that!

signing off...

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