Thursday, May 29, 2008

what i learn and what i hate...

it's been exactly the 7th day of work for me... yeah baby....7th day... sounds very short but yet feels very long alrd...
honestly, this whole working thing is not as good as it seems... haha... but actually i learn something too. Let's start from the negative... what i hate from work so far...

1. the ultimate stress causing is the phone calls... unfortunately, one of my duty at work is as an operator... so most of the times call will go thru' me or if nobody answers the call it will get directed to me...
at first, i really dreaded having to answer phone calls because i may not know how to tackle the queries since i was still new and didnt know much about how everything goes... but now that i get a bit more familiar with things... what bother me most is actually the phone ring... sometimes at the "peak" hour... the phone just cant seem to stop ringing.... i think people shld really ban phones sometimes... too much of it just gets you frustrated and irritated coz u just cant seem to get on with things that you are doing just because the phone ring keeps on pressing you to answer to it.

2. my day feels so short... somehow... when you go to school, however busy u are, you still feel that the day s longer... maybe it's be coz u have to listen to those boring lectures... haha... at least during lecture you still got to sit next to your friend and talkcock when "necessary"
but when you work... it seems that 24 hours is just never enough...
lemme do the math for you:
wake up and get ready at 6 am
leave hostel at 6.45 am
reach office at 8 am
finish work and reach back hostel at 6 pm plus...
total time = 12 hours...

so, literally i'm left with 12 hours.... from the 12 hours, minus 6 or 7 hours for me to sleep..
that leaves me with 5 or 6 hours... that may sound like a lot.... but really, it's never enough....

3. the people... honestly i think my supervisors-or wadever you called it- are nice people and they very patiently teach me every small thing.... but stilllll.... i dun feel as carefree as i can be anymore... haha... you will still think of them as your superior and cant afford to slacken...
the most awkward thing is that when we eat lunch together, nobody really chitchat.. ah.. boring people!!!

okay, may be all you hear so far from me has been all bad things about work...
yeah... but who doesnt complain abt work... after awhile, it gets mundane and too familiar and all you look forward to is THE WEEKEND!!!....

okay lah.. i do learn some stuff from work... i mean, when you do it everyday, you naturally pick up those skills...
like i said before, i was quite afraid of answering the phone before... but now, i learn how to tackle people's queries and questions and make sure that my point gets across.. altho it seems trivial but i feel that it is quite different from talking to people face to face where you can see the person's expression and body language...
hahah seems like i've been a bit too crappy here...

yeah... and tmrw is weekend already.... i mean friday... friday is a weekend too rite???
buttt result is out tmrw!!! huhuhu... getting a bit nervous....

hope i wont fall asleep again @ work tmrw... haha
nowadays i've been a good girl who never stay up at night until too late.... hehehe

ciaoooo wish me luck!!!

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