Tuesday, May 27, 2008

CN2125 revisited...

okay, the title of this post maybe a bit confusing for some, intimidating for some..
for those who doesnt know, CN2125 is a module that I took last semeseter... and it includes a heat exchanger design project...
yesterday we had our group dinner cum farewell to christiane, a german exchange girl in our group.

We had our dinner at Annalakshmi. Yes, from the name you can guess that it is an indian restaurant. apparently it is one of the famous Indian restaurant in Singapore. The concept of the restaurant is "Eat as much as you want, and pay as much as you think you shld"... not in exact phrasing but yeah... you get wad i mean... it is a restaurant for charity basically...

this is my first time eating in a vegetarian restaurant and first time eating in Indian restaurant. I am not a very adventurous person in terms of food, especially Indian food becoz i'm not too used to their rich spices and colourful cuisines...
butttt... this virgin experience at Annalakshmi retaurant was quite interesting coz I managed to try different kinds of Indian Bread... cahpati, nan, and i dunno wad else... haha can't really rmb.. but there is one that i really like... i oso dunno the name, but we nicknamed it "Spaceship".
Basically it's just like a dough which rise to give a ball shape... the slight milky taste was really tasty and I like it plain...

other than the breads, we also ordered different kind of curries.. red, orange, green... so rich in color... supposedly they are different but to me they taste just the same... only different filling....

oh ya, we also ordered the yoghurt.... I had the mango flavor one... but i like the Annalakshmi lassi (the name for the yoghurt drink) which had a bit of honey and orange taste and some other things... it was really nice..
one of us decided to be more adventurous and ordered a drink called Jeer Moor or something like that... it was really an "Acquired taste"... a "unique" taste to all of us... haha..
but in the end we managed to gulp it down... (each one take a sip...=))

my personal favourite of the day was a dish called Bhagi which is just vegetable fritter... haha...

Before i tried Annalakshmi, i never thought that I can appreciate Indian food, left alone vegetarian Indian food. but Annalakshmi is a really not bad place to try...

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