Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Greatest achievement of the day...

Now that exam is over... yay!!!
i have all the time in the world to catch up on everything that i've missed out during the mugging period...

Nice food... check
Nice Movie...check (Ironman is super uber cool!!!)
shopping... not really in the mood... which is a good way to save money...

but the greatest achievement for today is that i managed to put on contact lense already....though it still took very long... At last I managed to overcome fear of touching my own eyeball.. not totally yet though, still fighting so hard not to blink when i'm not supposed to...

FYI, abt 3 years ago, before VJ prom nite, I wanted to put on the contact lense oso but with no avail... i spent 1 hour in front of the attitude problem lady who just dun have the patience to teach me how to wear it... at the end of the day, all i get is just a red eye and bad mood..

but this time round is different, the uncle who sold the contact lense was really patient and encouraging...Though i spend the same amount of time at the shop (1 hour), but at the end of that 1 hour i managed to put in the contact lense to my left eye... i dunno why my right eye is super duper stubborn.... super hard to get in and once it got in, super duper hard to take out...

Must oso thank yeanching who were accompanying my to test the contact lense though she was waiting for her bus back to klang... i think without her encouragement i will be too scared to do it... haha

Now i realised, determination is all it takes to make the "impossible" possible

Then tonite, was out celebrating Daniel's and sze chao's early birthday...
It was very nice of them to treat us dinner and drinks at Pump room@clarke quay.... nice place with great live band...

okie...time to sleep so i can settle wadever i need to settle tmrw...

Yay! looking forward to tioman trip this friday....


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