Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tresure hunter...

this is the first weekend after i started working...
honestly i'm kinda nervous to face wad's going to happen on monday... coz the person whom i'm going to take over will not be there anymore... so i'll be on my own from monday onwards. Just hope that things will go on smoothly.
i'm just very scared of screwing up... jiayou!!!

ok, it's weekend now, and let's forget abt working for a while...

in this post, i just wanna share abt a taiwanese show that i am watching... actually have been watching for quite sometime.... called "Treasure hunter"... yes, cheesy as it sounds... it is really a game show... i have been a fan of taiwanese game shows because of the creative games.... actually many of the orientation games played in school are usually a copycat of wad i saw on the shows....

there are these few episodes of the show that i really liked and just watched today....
will just post some of the links here...

Why I like these episodes?? becozzz...They were set in Bali!!! yay!! have been wanting to revisit Bali. The first time i went to Bali when i was in primary school... and obviously at that time still dunno anything abt playing in the sea on that sort of things.... through this show, i can see wad's in store for visitors in Bali... of course the beautiful beach and the exciting water sports, water boom (water theme park.... i just knew that have one there!!), submarine, the luxurious hotel and last but not least bungee jumping... For that last one, i dun mean that i want to try.... put in one of the episode, there was quite a touching part lol.... just watch if you want to know...

hm... i will continue watching now...


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