Monday, May 19, 2008

glorious glorious day....

oh man!!!
i cant describe how happy i was a few minutes ago...
i just received a call from a company that is offering me a temporary job... hahah
it may not sound exceptionally glorious... but for me it is...
i've been looking for jobs for the past 1 week or so...
and everyone else has already got a job.. internship or part time...
so i've been feeling kinda lonely in pgp, especially in the afternoon...
worse still... i feel super useless for doing nothing and just spending off my parents' money.. haha dun like to be parasite... so old alrd still a parasite... haiyo...

that's why i feel extremely excited when the person called me just now...
thanks to josh who recommended me the job... i met him unexpectedly in pgp canteen and just casually asked him for any lobang in his company... and he was nice enough to still remember it and refer me to one...

this company is like the only company that contacted me out of so many that i applied to...
but yeah it's okay.... the pay is also not bad!! so i shall give it my best try...

btw, did i say that my first day of work is tmrw!! early morning again!!! hahah

ok...shall blog more abt my first day tmrw... hahah

ciao...wish me luck!!!

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