Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tioman Part 2

As promise... here we are... continuation to my Tioman story...

so.. the 2nd day at tioman was really exciting...
we went SNORKLING!!! yeah, it was my first time trying and it was really fun.
Altough it is possible to snorkle without knowing how to swim, it is still kinda scary at first.... i have to cling on to ppl in order to feel a sense of security... though i had my lifevest on... feels quite bad to trouble the rest...=P

actually we had a more extended plan for the day with trekking, snorkling n fish feeding, but due to unfavourable weather, we had to give treking a miss...

so we had our lifevests, goggles and of course SUNBLOCK!... and ready to go.
we took a small motorboat, just the 6 of us and the "captain"....head off to our 1st stop which is the fish feeding area....It was a very bumpy ride to our first stop... yeah, u read correctly. It's bumpy coz of the waves...haha

Honestly, i kinda freaked out in the beginning when the person asked us to just get into the water without really having a proper demonstration and all that.. but he did briefed us on wad to do... but for someone like me who dunno how to swim n have no confidence in water, i felt quite insecure...
but in the end, i got into the water... swim with the fish and drink a bit of seawater in the process... some ppl even got bitten by the hungry fish...a good warm up before the actual snorkling...

then, we moved on to coral island. during the ride to coral island, we could alrd notice the change in weather, the wind got slightly stronger... but we still went on with the plan...
this is when the excitement really came.. haha
before we got into the water, the captain warned us about a whole lots of things... like dun get too far, dun go to the rock and cant rmb wad else...

then.... the wave started to get stronger, and before i really had time to calm myself down and enjoy the scene below... we all felt that we get further and further away from our boat... of course our first reaction was to push forward against the current to get back....
the current drifted us quite a far distance and our effort was totally useless... so we called for help from the captain to pick us up...
it took us a while before he came and responded to us... fiuhhhh

When we got back on the boat, the captain told us to not panic in that kind of situation, just follow the current and he will pick us up... hahaha... but wad to do... all first timers...
if i were to recall the situation at that time, it was really kinda scary but at the same time funny...haha

then we move to another spot and give it another try... and yes, this time round, we were much calmer and got to enjoy the beautiful corals and colorful fishes... it was such a waste that none of us got any disposable underwater camera...
here are some of the pictures taken while we were floating around...

before the dive, still dry ...

refreshing! happy!

it was good!! yeah!!

After having enough of snorkling, we got back to the shore and play...
the rest of the day can be summarised as "Camwhoring"...
we took dunno how many stupid, act cool, silly and some embarassing pictures... but yeah... when else will you have the excuse to camwhore so much... hahah

"just got back from snorkling"

Apply sunblock oso must take picts.. oooppss Narcism in progress

I like this picture... the true meaning of happiness!

Haiyah.. how come cannot jump higher leh...

Evidence that "Guys love to camwhore too!!"

Those are some of the highlights of the day....

Day 3 in Tioman was very short... most of the time was spent on the ferry and bus... very tiring but fun indeed. and guess wad, on our minibus, we met another 6 NUS ppl oso... haha... Actually the bus is just for 12 ppl. yah, so the whole bus is full of NUS ppl except for the driver.. hahah...

yup, overall this trip is very very fun... i got to try many things that i havent got the chance to do before... maybe it's becoz i went with friends then have more courage to try on these things... maybe if i go with parents they may not allow me to snorkle knowing that i dont know how to swim....

so where's the next stop???


1 comment:

YuVeN said...

nex stop? hummmm.. let's see! any special request? :P haha

well told, btw.. :)