Monday, March 05, 2007

and life goes on.... usual, i only come back blogging when i feel that i have a lot of things to tell...
yesh! and now i do have a lot of things to many things have been happening last week...
it started with the "much-awaited" mid term exam... why much-awaited, u may ask.... coz i just wanna end it as soon as possible.... haha I really dun feel like recalling the tests experience coz i knew i srcewed up almost all... usually if the 1st test is aledy very bad, i will lose the motivation to fight on for the subsequent papers.... that's how i am, not like other ppl, cannot do then study harder...haha

my last day of exam was saturday!!! i felt so relieved...though it was temporary n deceiving.... when u finish test, doesnt mean u are free.... it just means u finish the test, that's all!!! still have so many tutorials, lab report, research to do.... haiz, and now i'm feeling the effect aledy...
feeling super tired today...i really need a boost of energy now.... but i'll fight on!! someone, give me some motivation!!

okay, before i continue whinning, i shall move on to happier things...

last week was linda's 21st birthday!! haha we had a celebration at pgp foyer....wanted to dunk her, but we were not that mean... (now i think, dunking is kinda scary sia... coz u might actually injured the person in the process).... the celebration went well and we had cakes n some martabak n pisang molen from ppl who came back from indo....

then yesterday was choir concert.... there were quite a few of indos singing in the choir. i met a lot of ppl there too!! This is the first concert ever that i've watched in NUS.... the indo concert was not counted coz i was performing n couldnt really enjoy the show....

it was good.... when i was in vj, i never went for any choir concert...(which is kinda pathetic since VJ choir was supposed to be very good).... but it's okay, NUS choir oso conducted by Nelson Kwei.... so shld be quite similar lah hor!! haha....
1. photo with eva...she was the first to come out of the backstage....

2. after very long only laura n evelyn came out n see us...haha

3. met bebeth n some red cross ppl take pic lor!!! haha

oh ya, one more thing to announce.... I just had my hair cut.... i had it at wisma atria.... the place is called shunji matsuo - icon.... i thing it was not bad....i love the way the person style my hair after the cut....the cut was not extraordinary but i feel that it's much neater than before, which is good...haha... for the price....ehem.... okay lah, i think it's quite reasonable....i dun mind paying more for a good hair cut rather than pay cheap2 and come out like sh*t..haha (that's how i usually feel when i came out of salon)
okie...all in all....i had a balanced week!! haha

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