Friday, March 16, 2007

Run away...

This is Friday nite and i am sitting here in the reading room of pgp, planning to do my work.
But so far i have not done anything productive yet. trying to run away from reality...haiz...
hope i can make some progress by tonite so i wont have to stress myself out during weekdays...
and yes, uni life sucks... it's like a cycle repeating every week.

During weekends when i'll be rushing through my work, i'll be like cursing n promising not to let that happen again. But somehow when weekdays come, i seem to forget all the hardship that i had during weekends.... n somehow i manage to find excuses to run away from work...
haiz, i think i really lack the motivation to

btw, my brother is coming to singapore on monday!!! yippiiieee!!! which also means food food food from a reason to go out to meet him...haha kinda excited to see him. I'm sure he's very excited too, coz it's his first time going abroad with his friends. But dunno whether how often i can meet him considering that i have so many others things going on.... but, i am sure i'll make time for him...haha

*time to run back to reality*

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